Womenspire Awards

  • Social media assets

  • Sponsorship packs

  • Printed & digital programmes

  • Merchandise

  • Promotional flyers

  • Event signage

  • Billboard advertisements

  • Logo Walls

I’ve had the privilege to design and develop the Chwarae Teg Womenspire Awards brand since 2017.

The Awards celebrate and recognise the remarkable accomplishments of women across Wales and inspires future generations. The awards are celebrations filled with entertainment and surprises throughout - not your average awards ceremony!

The branding has evolved throughout the years, culminating in an exciting partnership with ITV Wales more recently.

I’ve worked heavily in print and both digital materials for these Awards events over the years, including the entirely digital events of 2020 & 2021 where myself and the Chwarae Teg Womenspire Awards team had to adapt to a different landscape and rethink our communications and requirements for online-only events.

All examples of the work below have been created in both English & Welsh.

A map of the 2019 event held at St Fagan’s National Museum, upon arrival guests were handed these as part of their events programme, as well as larger versions on display at the event; providing an immersive and fun experience pre and during the Awards Ceremony.

A small selection of some of the additional events materials I’ve created over the years - enjoyed by event attendees, award winners, presenters, sponsors and guests.




Table Tennis Welsh Veterans